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A sink-full of crab apples, from the tree in our back garden. They were destined to become a tasty crab apple jam. (I, of course, am not responsible for the translation from dinky little red fruit to jar of jelly. That would be my wife’s department.)

Irregular Linkdump, #23

The pile of interesting things I find online continues to grow.

‘Til next time…

Tuesday Tunes: The Lochmaben Harper

“The Lochmaben Harper” is one of those appealing folk songs telling a story that gets a smile. Yet, as is often true, a lot relies on the performance.

I took some photos a few years back, at the launch of Emily Smith’s second album. She introduced the song with a bit of the tale, and sang it with the wit and the wink it needs and deserves. I remember it as a brilliant gig all round, actually.

Emily’s won a bunch of awards, and is well worth listening to. You can get her music, including this track, on iTunes.

(I can’t find “The Lochmaben Harper” on YouTube or Spotify, but you can find some tracks in each place: on Youtube and on Spotify.)



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A really shoddy phonecam pic, but the best camera, &c…

Little things that smooth the way.

Techy, geeky stuff again. I’m going to stop apologising for that. For a while, there, I toyed with launching another blog as an outlet for the geeky things I like to post; I’m aware that it’s not really the cup of tea of everyone who reads here. I was going to call it Heartless Gravity. (Extra points if you figure out why.) For now, though, I’ve decided to keep it all here.

Having just gone through a (relatively painless) operating system upgrade, I’ve been noticing the little things, software especially, which make my day go just a bit more easily.

And that’s just the software, and only that of it that’s always running every day. There’s plenty more.