

Driving to church this morning, I realised (as in, I idly figured out) that from today it is five weeks and two days until Christmas. Cue the traditional “Aargh! No shopping yet!” panic that must accompany such a revelation, and add a healthy dash of financial anxiety.

For many of us, the giving of gifts is a vital ingredient in the season, and it is backed by a rich symbolism. But, be honest, when was the last time you considered that significance? It’s good to give, yes, but it’s awfully easy to get lost in the lists of hims and hers that we need to come up with a cool/imaginative/thoughtful/significant/affordable/valuable/delete-as-appropriate gift for, and forget the why — be it a celebration joined, an obligation felt or simply an expression of friendship or love, something to say, “You’re important to me.”

In the midst of it all, the joy and the anxiety, I think I’ll be glad of The Mockingbird’s Leap. I hope so.

NaBloPoMo participant