


(PAW2009 14/52)

This one might make a reasonable desktop wallpaper, I suppose.

This photo-a-week lark highlights how quickly 2009 is going by — week fourteen, already. It’s now April. Months ago, 27th April as the due date for a baby seemed like a very long way away. Now, the nursery furniture was delivered at the weekend, and there are drawers full of very small vests, bibs and things. There’s a bag packed by the door, waiting for the trip to hospital. We’ve actually bought nappies.

Depending on who I listen to, this will either be the worst thing ever, or the best. Our lives will end, or they will start. We’ll never get to go anywhere, or small babies are nicely portable. Lately, I’ve been waking very early anyway.

We’ve seen some friends become parents lately, with more to come. They seem to be taking to it well, which is reassuring.

We’re currently having the name conversations. It’s a daunting responsibility, to assign the name that someone will bear for their lifetime. How do you apply a name to someone you haven’t met? Do you name for a memory, or for an aspiration? Or for something that sounds nice and hopefully won’t lead to too many playground jibes?

Are you happy with your name?