

Ugh. Metablogging. I, too, hate it. So please accept an apology in advance.

This blog has become dormant over the last year or so, maybe a bit longer. There are a whole bunch of reasons for that. Most of them come down to how radically different my life has become to what it was.

Obviously, there’s parenthood. That’s the biggest thing. I must observe that it just keeps getting better and better; that kid’s amazing.

Also, it is happening again. Wow.

Work-wise, too, things are different. Quite a while ago, now, the project I was working on with CCWA (NI) came to an end. Long story short, I’m now working full-time as web developer with a small studio in Belfast, doing generally interesting work with some generally quite interesting clients. I split most of my time there between Facebook apps, Expression Engine work and Magento development. With the latter two I get to spend a very satisfying amount of time building custom add-ons to augment their functionality. That’s fun.

Then there are the various personal/side projects I am/have been working on. All still in dark mode. Time, you know (see a couple of paragraphs above).

All of which adds up to less blogging, which disappoints me. My first post to a blog was eight years and twenty-four days ago. I don’t want to let this thing go gracefully after all that time, so here we go again.

The plan is for more of the same, but with some other stuff thrown in, too. I’ve often thought about tackling more technical blog content (code, general computer/tech stuff, gadgetry and so on) as well as the random personal stuff and occasional photo, but am totally against having more than one blog. I think I’ll try mixing the two and see how it goes. Bear with me with the bits that aren’t your thing.

The blogroll (old word for those sidebar links) is well out of date. I’m still deciding what to do about that; it may disappear altogether in the meantime. And this place is definitely due for a bit of a visual refresh.

Meta-blogging over, for now. Let’s go, then.