There are few things that will make me go all girly like puppies or kittens. It’s the way I’m wired, and I make no apologies.
One of my in-laws’ Irish Water Spaniels birthed a small litter earlier this week. For scale, the first image features my wife’s hands which are smaller than mine in the second image.
Altogether, now: “awww.”
Being only a few days old, their eyes are still closed and it will be a fair while before they can stand. They swim around on their bellies just like the little brown and furry tadpoles they resemble.
(This post has been two-thirds written for a couple of weeks. I’ve just returned from a gathering and a conversation which has reminded me to progress it and publish it — see the first and second posts in this series for what I’m doing.)
Several years ago I began to wonder about online expressions of community. I was young(er) and full of fire, and I believed that it was real and it was good. I remember sitting in a bar having lunch with an older and wiser colleague, trying desperately to convince him of the potential in ‘online church’. I think the only thing I convinced him of was a slight softness in my head. That was then.
Now, with all these ‘online communities’ and ‘social’ sites springing up all over the web, I have to ask: is ‘community’ the correct word? Whereas once I would have shouted my ‘yes’, now I’m really not so sure.
While I am wary of overusing dictionary definitions in this kind of discussion, I’ll let provide the following perspectives:
A social group of any size where members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
A social, religious, occupational or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists ("the [...] community").
the public; society.
A group of organisms or populations living and interacting with one another in a particular environment.
From those definitions, maybe not.
Given the constantly changing and developing nature of language, perhaps ‘community’ is becoming the right word, but for now I’m not really comfortable with using the same term I could easily apply to our family, our church, a street, a neighbourhood.
But since this technology facilitates communication, I suppose it could be moving us in that kind of direction.
What about that communication?
It’s an inherently different thing to sit and have a face to face conversation with a friend, perhaps over a good meal, than to talk on the telephone. The phone is a different experience again from a hand-written letter, which differs from a typed letter. All are some way from an email.
I’d suggest that at least some of the difference is down to decreasing levels of direct physical presence in/through the medium. At one end of the spectrum we can experience the full range of nuance and meaning, while at the other end there is nothing that is ever directly encountered by both parties — electrons are transmitted and translated until beams of light take over…
How often have you been party to a major misunderstanding of an email sent or received? It happens regularly, to me and to people I know.
Technology has given us myriad tools and venues for sharing and transmitting information, with increasing volume and efficiency. The one that has caught my eye recently is Twitter. I didn’t get it at first, but when I discovered a couple of friends were using it I decided to give it a try. I was quickly hooked. (You can maybe get some idea by browsing over my Twitter stream.) Based simply in keeping communication open between people, even in a micro-broadcasting or micro-blogging kind of way, it’s fun, entertaining, cute and very occasionally useful.
What Twitter isn’t, I think, is substantial or meaningful. It’s more of a “because I can” sort of thing, and a good example because of how it encourages quantity over quality of communication. In a world beset by measures and targets, it’s easy to forget that neither volume nor efficiency are necessarily the thing.
Community is formed out of relationships, which are in turn based on communication. The quality of each affects the others.
I’ll be returning to these twin questions of communication and community.
When you’re not very disciplined at keeping your grass at a reasonable length, the self-propelled petrol lawn mower is one of man’s greatest inventions.
It is, however, tricky enough to control.
And when starting your brand new mower, it’s best to ensure that you are more than one elbow’s reach from the wall behind you.
Real posts to follow soon, I promise.
(See the first post in this series for what I’m doing.)
As I’ve been thinking about the interactions that take place online, in my mind they’ve fallen into two broad categories based on ‘venue’:
- Centralised, if not necessarily in a technological sense, where the interactions take place through a specific website, newsgroup, mailing list or similar.
- Decentralised, in the manner of separate blogs forming an organic network.
Within these groups I find that that there is variation as to what brings them together.
Centralised Venues.
Networks and groupings can form on the basis of:
- Shared interest or purpose, for example a discussion forum or mailing list focussed on a particular subject. I have participated in groups discussing technology of various flavours, youth ministry, theology, particular authors, photography and even the collection and use of fountain pens. This sort of group can be an excellent source of information.
- Shared experience, for example Friends Reunited, or the way many use Facebook — "we went to school together."
- Shared presence — stumbling into people you have never and may never have otherwise met. In my short experience this is the way MySpace seemed largely to operate.
All these factors reflect processes that occur in the real world, where we physically meet different people in all kinds of different contexts.
Decentralised Venues.
Where I find it more difficult to draw a real-world parallel is in the ‘blogosphere’.
Anyone (with the necessary resources) can publish a website, and can interact with what anyone else has published either through direct communication (public or private) or by responding back on their own site. Networks of individuals gather around particular conversations, but can also easily draw in others who have some other incidental interest or curiosity. It’s fascinating (to me at least) to click around various blogs and follow the lines of who links to who, and who participates where — and you can participate in the wider network to as large or as small a degree as you like.
There are strengths and weaknesses in each of these forms of network, and they all intermingle anyway, connecting and overlapping through the individuals involved. I suppose it’s called the ‘web’ for a reason :-) You probably could map it, but it would get very complicated very quickly.
So far I’ve deliberately avoided using the word ‘community’, even though it has threatened to roll out by itself. I’m wary of applying that name to what goes on online, but it’s a question that needs asked:
Is this ‘community’?
That’s for the next post in this series.