
Core Graphics errors and UIImage.

I spent some time recently tracking down the cause of a verbose but unhelpful set of errors in an app we were working on at my day job. I wrote it up for the company blog; I had trouble finding useufl information on the errors, so the info is now out there for the searching.


Four year-old: Is the Earth like a really big magnet.

Me: Yes, it kind of is.

Four year-old: If you had a really, really, really big fridge, you could stick the Earth to the front of it!



It went on a while.

If you want to play then I am, of course, marramgrass on Game Center.


Shitty pictures of your food are all over the Internet. Sites like Instagram are loaded with photo after photo of lumpy goo. What you’re trying to share is the joy you feel when the waiter delivers that beautifully plated pork chop. But your photo doesn’t tell the story of that experience. Your photo rips away the delicious smell, the beautiful room, the anticipation of eating, and the presence of people you love.

Scott Simpson, The Magazine #4

Donegal in November, eh?



Double espressostagram.

